Travel Around Latvia’s Border

If you're planning to travel around Latvia then I suggest following mine around the Latvia route which I completed in the summer of 2021. The route is mainly gravel roads and doesn't go strictly near the border but from time to time takes you inland to see more interesting things.

The route is perfect for beginners and advanced motorcycle riders. You will need tires that can handle gravel roads and sands but there are some parts where you go on asphalt as well, so don't put on knobbies. Something that is 60/40 road and offroad will do just fine.

Take with you everything for camping outside but don't worry, the route has marked places where you can stay for the night indoors as well. There are many marked places for meals and beverages so be sure to stop by and taste the local food. Since there are many places marked on the map along the border then you can choose for yourself where you want to go and what to see. For more description about the place you can either Google it or open the location in Google maps.

IMPORTANT! You will need a permit to travel around the border area. Please head to Latvian Border Control website and fill out the application. They usually review it within 1 to 2 weeks, so don't leave it for the last moment. This permit is needed when you're traveling near the Russian and Belarus border areas. When you get the permit and travel along the border then it's best to call the nearest border patrol and let them know that you're in the area and plan on riding near the border. This will save unnecessary time wasted reviewing your identity on the spot both you and the patrol.

I wish you the best on your journey! If you find a sticker with OUTDURO logo then make sure to take a picture, post it on social media and tag us. If you do this then there's a little surprise gift for you!

Thanks to contributors

  • Jānis Lūsis
  • Jānis Goldšmits
  • Aivars Bisenieks
  • Guntars Otto
  • Mārcis Zēgners
  • Nauris Krētainis
  • Mārtiņš Sils
  • Rihards Vijums
Rihards Grunte
Rihards Grunte
My name is Rihards and you've stumbled on OUTDURO Tribe, a place made for both new and experienced motorcycle riders who enjoy going on adventures with motorcycles and prefer staying outdoors or camping sites, making food on a campfire while sharing stories with fellow riders.In our tribe blog, you will find many interesting articles for travel destinations, motorcycle gear, camping gear, rider stories, and more.

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