For Ukrainian Victory

This is an opportunity to join enterprising and courageous people who are taking action in support of Ukraine, both those who are already doing as well as those who’d like to do good for Ukraine for the first time. A well-started project needs to be completed – 10 motorcycles for Ukraine's defenders. Nine motorcycles were allocated for this by the Latvian State Police. Eight of them were already delivered to the front line, 20 km from the contact line, at the beginning of May. The ninth encountered some technical issues but now it has been brought and is all good to go and waiting in Lviv. The tenth needs to be purchased, arranged, and delivered to the front along with the one from Lviv

Kārlis Tervits
OUTDURO association
board member

These good deeds require funding and this is an opportunity for you to participate! We will be grateful and happy for any amount that reaches the OUTDURO account marked for “10th bike for Ukrainian Front.” Let us add that this is not just a plan, but a continuation of already completed work. And the doers are reliable. The organizational activities are ensured by the Association “Entrepreneurs for Peace.” Significant technical support has been provided by Karlo Motorcycle Workshop. #OUTDURO is also among the supporters. Another positive aspect – deliveries are made without any intermediaries. Directly to people on the front line!

Support by donating

Beneficiery: Biedrība OUTDURO
Account: LV79HABA0551051308200
Registration Nr.: 40008309424
Payment details: Desmitais uz Ukrainas fronti

Take a look at the first campaign

Uldis Kučerāns (Appasaule) organized the first ride with Latvian State Police donated motorcycles